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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hot (or not) Potato Salad

German Potato Salad. This was inevitable. We've all tried it somewhere at some point and have opinions, right? Sometimes it's warm, sometimes not. Sometimes it has bacon, or is creamy, but most of the time it has a pucker-your-mouth vinaigrette that makes you rethink your days of American deli potato salad. Varying adaptations of this dish might even help to shape our ideas of German food in general.

If you've tried the right one, it's pretty hard to dislike.

We hope this blog is starting to open up ideas for a cuisine that you may or may not have tried before, and who knows? Maybe German potato salad is a new thing for you. If so, this recipe is a good place to start. Potato salad crosses international boundaries with endless variations, and who doesn't like it?

This variation has bacon. If you're into that kind of thing...

We were so impressed by the variety of pretty vegetables:

This was part of a larger meal, and we all loved it. If you like a more tart German potato salad, we might suggest cutting the sugar in half - this one definitely had a sweet edge to balance the vinegar. But for the love of God, make the bacon gravy. Sooo good. We used apple cider vinegar and were worried that it would be too much. Not at all. We promise, go for it.

Schnitzel Notes:

* We cut the smaller potatoes into quarters and the larger ones into chunks that matched, which reduced the cooking time. We brought the water to a boil with the potatoes in it and after 10 minutes at a boil checked diligently every minute until tender. It really is crucial to get this step right, too crunchy or too mushy and your potato salad is... well, you know.

* We didn't measure the parsley, just chopped up a bunch and threw it in - at least 1/4 cup. Extra greens never hurt anyone, and it helped make the salad very pretty. 

* Our bacon was fairly lean (for bacon), so we just left all of the fat in the pan to make the roux.

* Serve warm, room temperature, or cold.

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