Local Finds

Monday, September 29, 2014

German Cheese Tasting

While the dynamic duo behind Ms. Schnitzel was out shopping for the ingredients to make Cheddar-Beer Spread, we happened upon this imported Bavarian cheese - or käse, in German - in the cheese case. Remember that cheese case from our first Cheddar-Beer spread post? 

Of course, once we saw it we just had to try it! We do love our cheese here at the Haus von Schnitzel.

This was a soft, creamy, spreadable cheese in an edible rind, much like brie but definitely stinkier. Jen's little pooch, Nuggs, was going NUTS; he wanted it sooo bad. And you know how doggies like stinky things. Just saying.

Having gotten across the odiferous nature of this Limburger, we would like to say it was much milder than it smelled and the odor was not really noticeable after a bite or two. We both really enjoyed it... Should we be embarrassed to admit we ate most of the block in one sitting?

According to the website, which we had to translate from German to English, they've made this cheese exactly the same way for 100 years and only use fresh milk from local farmers in the Allgäu. Check this out: 

"It is a sight to behold and a true example for the preservation of tradition: Every year in September, thousands of cows are brought down from their summer alpine pastures high up in the mountains and treated like celebrity on their return to the valley. Head for Oberstdorf in the Southern Bavarian Allgäu region where this event will take place in September 2014."

We highly recommend doing a Google search on Allgäu cows. Interesting stuff. Happy cows + men in lederhosen = happy fräuleins.

So if you're out and about, you see it, and you're looking for a little cheese and/or German fix, snatch up this St. Mang Limburger! You have the Ms. Schnitzel stamp of approval. Try it with a pretzel, or better yet, Pretzel Bread! Like German brie and baguette, yum. And we've got you covered, we'll be posting a wonderful pretzel bread recipe later this week.

Happy Monday!

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