Local Finds

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cheddar-Beer Spread Part 2

Sprechen Käse! 

It's day 4 of Oktoberfest, and we've been working hard to bring some good stuff to your table. For instance, tonight we sampled beers from three of the six breweries sponsored by Oktoberfest in Munich! Yes, hard work. We took one for the team. Check back Thursday for official reviews!

So close your eyes, relax, roll back in time... a few weeks ago we posted about this amazing Cheddar-Beer Spread. Oh, it was sooo good. Remember? Well, we encapsulated half of it in time for a later date, and that day has come. 

If you've never worked with paraffin wax, it is completely edible and not as scary as it seems.  You melt it, pour it, even mix it with chocolate if you want to make buckeyes... Well, some around here have Ohio roots.

When Grandma's Cookbook instructed us to "Seal top with melted paraffin. Keep refrigerated for several weeks", we looked at each other with big question marks in our eyes, and then decided to try it!  But we needed the overnight fix too. So... Check out our first post for initial impressions.

Without much direction from the recipe, this crazy experiment worked! The following reviews are all from people who tasted the initial product and the end product:

Rob: "It takes me back to a train ride in Bavaria, with mountains and castles in the distance."
He liked it better aged.

Adrienne: "The perfect snack.  Some cheese was made for wine, this cheese is made for beer."
She liked it better aged.

Jen:  "The perfect balance of flavors, the original had more potent individual flavors."
She liked it better aged.

Tara: "Drier on top after aging, make sure to stir it up! Flavor mellows with age."
She loved it both ways.

If you want to try aging it, just cut off a chunk of paraffin wax, melt it in a pan over medium-low heat, pour a layer a couple inches thick over the top to seal it, and pry it off after 3-5 weeks. Voila!

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