Local Finds

Saturday, September 20, 2014



Germans love to sing about "Gemütlichkeit" but there's simply no direct translation. Imagine the way you feel when you're enjoying a fresh beer, delicious food, and great conversation in a warm bar. That's "Gemütlichkeit".

(This quote was taken from the following random Oktoberfest website: http://cvb311.aisites.com/imd110/site2/index.htm)  

And gmiatlichkeit - or gemütlichkeit, whichever you fancy - is what Ms. Schnitzel is going to attempt to offer over the next 15 days for Oktoberfest 2014! 

Yes, please! Hacker-Pschorr is one of the six official Oktoberfest breweries.

A little history... 

The first Oktoberfest celebration was held in 1810 when the royal couple, Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese, were married. Apparently they were so into each other that they wanted the entire population of Munich to be a part of the nuptial festivities! Sounds like quite a wedding reception, doesn't it? Imagine what those two must think now, looking down on the 6 million people that gather to celebrate in Munich today!!

The celebration was held on the fields in front of the city gates (back when cities had gates) and the fields were thereafter dubbed "Theresienwiese" after the blushing bride. This has since been abbreviated to Weisn:

Wiesn (Wiese)
Name of the field where Oktoberfest is held each year. Mecca to some. Wiesn to you.
Again, random website quote. 

So we all know what has happened since that initial, fateful five day celebration from October 12-17, right? Bavarians know how to host a party, that's for sure. And so do these girls.

Most of the time.

Hold on to your dirndls and lederhosen, grab your steins and wieners (we're talking mettwurst, bratwurst, knockwurst, even currywurst; get your minds out of the gutter) - off we go!

Revelers enjoying the River Isar in Munich

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