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Sunday, September 21, 2014

(Not) Knackwurst In Beer

Ein bier, bitte!

Or two... One for the sausages, one to enjoy whilst preparing the sausages. This recipe for Knackwurst in Beer from Grandma's Cookbook resulted in quite possibly the most tender, flavorful bratwurst that any of us had tasted! We actually prepared them for guests (no, all of those brats below were not just for us), along with sauerkraut and kartoffelsalat. Do you think we remembered to take pictures of anyone actually enjoying the feast?

Silly fräuleins.

So sure, this is a bit more involved than just throwing some wieners straight from the package onto the grill.  But it's Oktoberfest, live a little!  Buy a whole bunch of sausages - knackwurst, mettwurst, bratwurst, whatever you can get your hands on - and invite the gang over for your own Oktoberfest celebration, wherever you may be.

We used this beer from Trader Joe's for the marinade:

And this bratwurst from Whole Foods:

...As well as some brats from their meat counter, but we won't show you the pictures of them in prep because, let's be honest, raw sausages just ain't pretty. But here they are grilling away on the barbie!

After grilling, they were all thrown back into the pot with the marinade to boil away.  We actually doubled the batch of marinade to accommodate all of the brats and tried our hardest, as the recipe suggested, to let the liquid boil down completely. This ended up taking much longer than anticipated, and we had a lot of hungry folks, so we eventually gave into our bellies' demands and pulled them off with a bit of liquid left.  And that was perfectly fine, we don't think they could have been any better.

The kartoffelsalat (potato salad) and sauerkraut pictured at the top will be  featured in upcoming Oktoberfest posts, so stay tuned!

Schnitzel Notes:

* Adapt this recipe to the amount of sausages required simply by making sure there's enough beer to cover them. We ended up with about 12 sausages and used 2 bottles of beer, with 2 cloves of garlic and 1 decent-sized onion. We originally planned on only 8 sausages and one beer, but were able to adjust on the fly.

* After marinating, we threw the brats on the BBQ until nice and brown, then transferred them back to the kitchen to simmer in the beer mixture.  Feel free to sauté them instead, and let us know how they turn out!

* We sliced up an extra onion, tossed it with a little olive oil in some tin foil, and grilled it alongside the brats to serve, as shown in the photo above. 

* Horseradish and German mustard, anyone?

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