Local Finds

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pretty cheese, with sugar on top?

This German Cambozola is as pretty as our title suggests - a rich shade of cream veined with dark blue marble. Do yourself a favor, if you see this at your local cheese counter, BUY IT. It is soooo good. 

Tara has been a lifelong hater of blue cheese, but she braced her tastebuds and tried it, never one to shy away from culinary adventure... with some notable exceptions, but we'll save that conversation for a rainy day. Anyways, she could not get enough of this! And Jen, in cheese heaven, was inspired to come up with some of her most creative descriptions yet:

"Like a stinky sock, but a one day stinky sock. Not a five day. That's just the kick." (The kick, get it?! The kick of flavor in the cheese, but we're comparing it to socks, feet, you know?)

"It's like Stilton knocked up Brie and they had a German baby." Indeed, an apt description. Creamy and mild for a blue cheese, but with a definitely blue... kick. Yeah, we said it again.

Stilton and Brie, sitting in a tree
First comes love, then comes marriage
Than comes Cambozola in a baby carriage!

So on that note, we'll leave you with a little teaser: We made pretzel buns yesterday from our previous pretzel bread recipe, and will be testing a Schnitz original recipe tomorrow using this Cambozola and the aforementioned buns, but the rest is a secret...Shhhh. Stay tuned!

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