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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Oktoberfest 2014 Adieu!

As we wonder how everyone over in Munich is doing right now...

One last "Prost!" from your favorite fräuleins
We here at Ms. Schnitzel, the writers as well as the tasters, have pretty much been in Bavarian Heaven over the last couple of months. Tara and Jen only dreamed up the concept of this blog a little over a month before Oktoberfest began, and as soon as we committed to doing 15 posts in 15 days (this is post #16!), we started stockpiling ideas, photos, recipes, etc. And you have no idea how glad we are that we did! This was a huge challenge, much bigger than we anticipated, and we have to admit we're a bit proud of ourselves today on the last day of Oktoberfest 2014.

Don't worry, we're not going anywhere - we will just be cutting back to a more reasonable 1-2 posts per week. After juicing, stuffing our faces with nothing but vegetables and salads, swearing off beer, and doing a bunch of yoga and running, we will be back refreshed and ready to share some more hearty goodness... just in time for the chilly weather that makes this comforting cuisine even more satisfying! 

We hope you've had as much fun as we have and maybe even learned a thing or two along with us. Thanks for following Ms. Schnitzel's Oktoberfest Extravaganza 2014, see you in a few days!

Adieu, adieu, to you and you and YOU!

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