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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Strawberry Bavarian Cream

Willkommen to Ms. Shnitzel’s first ever blog post!  

We decided to start on a sweet note for a couple of reasons.  First of all, this dessert is just too pretty to hold back!  More importantly, strawberries are still in season here in California (depending on what source you choose to believe, but our strawberries were absolutely perfect).  That season will sadly soon be over, so we wanted to showcase this delightful fruit while we still can. 

Did you know that strawberries are not technically berries?  We know, shocking.  But Google it, it’s true!  Berry or not, this dessert which was so aptly described by Jen as “a strawberry cloud” in her mouth was a hit with all four of the mouths that tasted it. 

And now, on to the recipe.  We decided to cut the original recipe in half and we're glad that we did.  Our adaptation made six generous portions, and it should be noted that the “cloud” texture really comes through after that first night in the fridge.  The cream is still delicious over the following few days, but it definitely loses some of it's fluffy texture and the strawberry liquid starts to separate from the cream.  It can obviously be stirred back in, but be warned: it’s not quite the same.  So eat it up, and keep how many people you are serving in mind to determine which recipe proportions to use.

If you were looking closely, you might have noticed a discrepancy in the proportion of sugar we used.  No, it’s not because we have a super-sweet-tooth... quite the opposite actually.  When we got to the sugar, we were so busy taking photos that we forgot to cut it in half and thought we were using less sugar than the recipe called for!  Fortunately for us, it was still delicious and not overly sweet, but feel free to cut back to ½ cup if you are following our adaptation.

Now, start hulling your (non)berries!

Schnitzel Notes: 

* mint is a really nice touch of flavor, chiffonade your garnish and throw it in! 
* we used a stick blender and roughly pureed to leave chunks of strawberries
* this could work with frozen strawberries in a pinch...let us know if you try it?
* try this as a fruit dip with your fruit of choice..YUM!